Our Platform

We believe effective government solves problems that individuals cannot solve on their own and functions best, for the benefit of all, when there is broad citizen participation. As a result, the Barrington Democratic Town Committee (BDTC) has outlined the following objectives for our elected officials to pursue:

Responsible Governance

"In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power but carries the ultimate responsibility." — Norman Cousins

Encourage responsive, courteous, transparent and affordable public services

Provide and maintain dependable public safety services (fire, police and rescue)

Promote responsible firearms regulation

Engage in responsible and economically sound municipal planning 

Make decisions through consensus-building and respectful and informed conflict resolution

Engage proactively with neighboring municipal entities and state government to share information and collaborate on policy-making and fiscal decision-making

Support and enable sound fiscal management

Support and enable local economic development

Support for Social Justice

"If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?" — Abigail Adams

Support initiatives to provide assistance to those impacted by poverty and those in need

Promote inclusion and honor diversity in age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin and ability

Support quality public education, including health and sex education, responsible citizenship and lifelong learning

Support reproductive justice and reproductive choice

Promote diverse housing stock including single and multi-family, historic, affordable, elderly and accessible structures

Promote wellness, elderly outreach and services for community members dealing with drug and alcohol abuse

Ensure access to quality health care including mental health care and reproductive health services

Provide community support for children, working families and older adults

Encourage community involvement in the town activities, schools and community organizations

Environmental Stewardship

"From space, earth is just a small, blue dot. That's our home. That's all we have.” — Carl Sagan

Expand walking and biking paths

Maximize efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle

Include consideration of the effects of climate change when making policy decisions

Protect active and passive recreation and open space

Protect water access, water safety and water quality

Support the green economy, including solar, wind and water power as well as sustainable building and business practices

Economic Stewardship

"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all and incorporated into our common life." — Jane Addams

Support a vibrant and diverse local business community, including professional and service businesses, retail, specialty shops, restaurants and marine industries

Encourage common sense preservation of historic buildings and landmarks

Support community farming and farm markets

Promote a vibrant arts community