Town Council Candidates

  • Liana Cassar


    Liana Cassar has lived in Barrington for 25 years with her family. She worked in public health and health systems for over 20 years, switching to policy work and public service in 2018.

    Liana served as the State Representative for Barrington and Riverside from 2019-2022.

    Through serving our community, she recognizes the need to address the climate, economic, housing, and educational opportunities and constraints of the town and to work collaboratively to reach meaningful and effective solutions.

  • Jordan Jancosek


    Jordan Jancosek and her family became proud to call Barrington home when they moved here in May 2020 to be closer to her work in Providence. An archivist at Brown University, she has worked first hand on making sure our past is accessible for our future. Now, as a young parent of a 3-year-old, she is focused on making sure Barrington is ready for what comes next.

    Jordan is running on town impact issues such as stopping the flooding on our streets and bridges, clearer crosswalks and better traffic calming measures, and reimagining our public spaces for the multiple generations that make up the Barrington community. She wants to work so that participation in local government is accessible to all - democracy is at its best when all voices have a chance to contribute to our future.

  • Kerry O’Neill


    Kerry O’Neill is an active and engaged member of the community seeking his first term on the Barrington Town Council.

    Kerry lives in Barrington with his wife, their son (who attends Barrington Middle School), and their rescue mutt. Kerry was a parent volunteer with the Hampden Meadows School compost program and its fundraiser, a volunteer BYSA team manager and house league soccer coach, and he continues to be a supporting member of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust. Kerry is a graphic designer who specializes in health and wellness advertising. He is an avid runner, a novice gardener, and a reluctant handyman.

    Kerry was motivated to run for office by his love of Barrington, which offers so much to so many. He welcomes the opportunity to serve and advocate for climate resilience, equity and sustainability, biodiversity, safe streets, and collaborative governance.


Starting in early spring, we invite all potential candidates for local and statewide office to meet with the full committee and present their experience and goals.

After deliberation among the committee members, voice or ballot votes are taken to choose the candidates we endorse locally, or support at the state level.

The decisions are based largely on the alignment of the candidates with the BDTC platform.